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Sunday, May 22, 2005

On teaching values...

"Whatever we put our attention on is attracted to us and is increased in our world. If we do nothing to curb our destructive desires, life becomes increasingly difficult for us to control. If we develop discernment and self-awareness, then we can distinguish between what is beneficial or destructive that we are attracting into our lives. Finally, we need courage to take the next step toward wholeness by eliminating our negative desires that attract chaos into our lives."

"According to the law of the universe, for every action there is an equal reaction. When we realize that we are accountable for every thought, word and deed, we recognize the wisdom of restraint and being aware of the intentions of our actions."

"We can contact Creative Intelligence by taking the time to go within our hearts. We find our true self here, not the ego. This can be done by anyone, through maintaining a feeling of calmness and concentrating on higher thoughts, whether through prayer, song, meditation or a walk in the woods. When we focus our lives on higher thoughts and actions, we connect with the Divine."

"There is a Loving Intelligence that pervades all things. All that is necessary is for us to maintain our trust and hope even though we live in the midst of uncertainty. Faith is our willingness to take the next step without fear or looking back and yet have the patience to allow Divine Order to work through our situation without trying to force the results ourselves."

"Forgiveness is a conscious act that frees us from the damaging image of ourselves as a victim and dissolves the poison of resentment. These act as blocks to the Universal Reality. Because we choose a new understanding of our situation, we are now free to extend mercy and compassion to ourselves and to those who have wronged us. This reconnects us back to our real self."

"The true state of Universal Reality is abundance. When we are grateful and appreciate what life has to offer, it indicates to the Universe that we accept whatever has been given to us and that we lack nothing. If we want to attract more prosperity into our lives, we need to start the process of thinking magnanimously and being generous to all of life. All of this opens up the flow of supply into our world because whatever we give to life returns to us."

"One of the universal laws is that we can choose what feelings we want to experience. When we choose negative feelings, our lives become infinitely more stressful and complex because we loose the inner connection with the Infinite. When we choose to be optimistic, cooperative and enthusiastic rather than being a victim of our negative emotions, we remain in control of ourselves and maintain inner happiness."

"Through an attitude of modesty and unpretentiousness, we realize that we don't have to raise ourselves up with self-importance. God in his own way and time will reward us with whatever we need, as long as we rid ourselves of pride and maintain an attitude of gentleness toward all life."

"Our connection to our inner reality is strengthened when we align our thoughts, words and actions with truth and have the courage act with sincerity and honesty. This is the act of letting go of our own will and honoring the Divine Will instead."

"All living things require love to survive, including ourselves. We must first attend to our own needs for love before we can love others. When we neglect ourselves emotionally, we become emotionally toxic and are not whole enough to give love to others. When we change the inner dialogue from the inner critic to that of the inner companion, we bolster our self-esteem and self-respect. Then we are free to nurture all individuals by being the caring, compassionate, thoughtful and kind beings we truly are."

"When we choose moderation in all aspects, we bring balance into our lives. Instead of experiencing 'burn-out' and stress, which actually hinders our productivity and blocks the creative flow of energy, we maintain our connection with our and true reality."

"Wholeness is not realized in a moment. Throughout a lifetime, there must be constant effort and striving toward self-perfection. In order to accomplish this, we need the confidence to endure all situations in order to reach our goal."

"When we choose to see the beauty of the
simple things in life and the perfection all around us, instead of complexity and distortion, we retain our innocence. Purity then restores us to the joy of life. It is that which uplifts us and reconnects us to our true inner being."

"We are all a part of this Creative Intelligence and have a spark of the divine within us. Therefore, even though there is diversity among us, through religion, sex, culture, age and status, we are all part of the Divine Family. Everyone we meet deserves our respect because we honor the divine within them. We show this through courtesy, tolerance and cooperation with all whom we meet."

"When we have the determination to restrain our lower desires, the door is opened for us to fulfill our highest aspirations. Through obedience to our higher self, we develop an inner control and greater confidence in ourselves. Through this process, we strengthen our connection to the Creative Intelligence and experience greater empowerment."

"We came into this life with a special plan or purpose to help elevate humanity and life on earth through our own unique service. It is our responsibility to be successful in carrying out our plan and to infuse our service with creativity, or our own special God-given talent. "

"When we accept what is happening to us at the present moment as part of a grander plan needed for our growth, we experience a new freedom. We welcome whatever comes into our lives, surrendering all wants and desires. With this new awareness comes contentment and peace."

"When we are alert to highly significant events that cannot be explained, then we have an opportunity to go beyond the daily occurrences in our lives. We need to be receptive and have the courage to act on our inner promptings. In the process, we find that we are being transformed into the higher self. "


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